Thursday 15 April 2010

In it together

This week's gigs included a band I've wanted to see since last summer but have only just got round to watching. I'd penned this little event in my diary a few weeks ago, when, lo and behold, upon turning on my radio earlier in the week to listen to the fine gentleman that is Mr. Steve Lamacq on BBC 6Music (save it save it save it!), what did I hear but the band themselves, chatting away amicably with Steve.

During the interview, Friendship (much to my delight) named No Age as one of their biggest influences, and, like No Age, they sure make one hell of a racket for two people. Their tracks are stylish and characterful (if you can say that about a song), and as much as I'm a fan of the promoters that put them on, at this particular gig they just seemed to be in the wrong place. They were just in a different league to the bands that preceded them, and by the time our intrepid duo got round to playing their brilliantly messy-but-polished tracks, the audience had all but got bored and gone home. Regular readers of the blog will know I'm quite a reserved audience member at the best of times, so standing on my lonesome in front of a very sparse crowd watching two men provide ear-splitting music to which thrashing around is probably the only appropriate response was a bit awkward. But they absolutely rocked, so it all turned out for the best in the end.

Their new single, 'Lifeguard', is out on the great Too Pure record label on Monday 19th April, check out Friendship's blog for details of where you can get your grubby little fingers on a copy. In the mean time, here's a video for 'The Graveyard Shift', a single that came out last year:

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