Friday 29 April 2011

Tea and cake

Let's start this second bank holiday with a bit of traditionalism, what with it being the big royal dookeroo today an' all. I'm sure an appropriately massive amount of tea will be consumed across the UK in the next few hours, most of it hopefully accompanied by some sweet spongey goodness. Mmmm...

Fika Recordings, the indie cassette label touting today's musical delight, subscribe to the (clearly genius) view that music is best digested with tea and cake. Fika, they tell us, is the Swedish version of afternoon tea. Muchos appropriate for the royal wedding day, no? They even send a recipe for a delicious baked treat with every purchase, along with a tea bag that they deem will suit your musical choice. So, to match the electro-pop sunshine rays of their new Petter Seander cassette release, they'll also send you a recipe for hazelnut cookies and an elderflower tea bag - how lovely is that?!

"But!" I hear you cry, "'tis no use if the music doesn't tickle my fanciful bits!" Fear not, intrepid music lovers, Petter Seander's new 'Destroyer' EP (you knew I'd get to the point eventually) contains jolly good upbeat-yet-angst-ridden Swedish pop songs. The only way I can really describe it is by saying it sounds as if Outkast and The Postal Service met at a Passion Pit party. And if you hate all of those things, then at least you'll get a recipe and a tea bag out of it, eh? The tape is available for pre-order from the Fika website in a limited edition of 100 for the princely sum of £3.50 each (but you also get an instant high-quality download of the full EP), and seeing as I've bought one of those 100, you'd better get your skates on! Listen to all four tracks below:

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