Wednesday 24 February 2010

Blogging forever

Internet Forever describe themselves as coming from both London and Cambridge - a respectable couple of places to come from, I'm sure you'll agree (being two of the few places I myself can claim to be from).

OK so they're another boy / girl semi-shouting, semi-speaking, semi-singing group that enjoy organs and plinking on xylophones BUT hold your horses those of you who, let's face it, are like sooooooo over Los Campesinos. They're also bloomin' good, alright? Permit me, if you will, a long-winded metaphor: in amongst the ten-a-penny bands buffing it about on the windy seas of indie-pop at the moment who feel that having one male and one female hamming up their London-ish accents over poppy synths is a brilliant way to disguise the fact that they can't sing all that well, Internet Forever are shining their little beacon of legitimacy to steer us all away from the rocky, stormy bits. OK so that was a terrible metaphor but you get what I'm trying to tell you.

Oh, just listen to them. The delectable ditty below was a single of the week towards the end of last year in both Artrocker and NME, so they must be doing something right. And go and see them at The Rest Is Noise in Brixton on 6th March or at Bardens Boudoir in Dalston on 10th March. Sorted.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm....methinks they make a lot of noise for a boy/girl semi-shouting, semi-speaking, semi-singing group, but it's good noise nevertheless. Short and catchy, like all good pop songs should be. As an official member of the old fart brigade I still think Perry Como is the tops, but this comes a close second to the cardiganed-crooner.

    Oh by the way, nice blog LTCO, whoever you are.
