Monday 8 February 2010

Death by doughnuts

Death In Plains is a humble Italian soul whom I stumbled across one day when on my usual ramblings through the wilds known only as Myspace. I think we can all see a pattern emerging already here on LTCO for general scuzzy dreaminess, and just so as not to let you all down when we've got a good thing going, I'll add anther to your repertoire.

Formerly known as 'Donut Plains', his echoey noises have appeared in notable little venues all over the Big Smoke and he's got the reviewers, inlcuding us, raving about him. He's a lone worker; one of those fascinating one-man effects soundboards that's as intriguing to watch as to listen to. Lend your ears to his cover of Lady GaGa's 'Brown Eyes' on his Myspace for a little taster.

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